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Shortcuts Page

Smart Install Maker allows you to create any number of shortcuts so that end users can easily access your application and files associated with it (e.g. Help, Uninstaller, etc.). These shortcuts will be placed in the Start menu and optionally on the desktop.
NOTE: You can specify the name of the program group on the "Dialogs" -> "General" tab.

Destination folder
Specify the directory where the shortcut will be created.

Shortcut name
The name of the shortcut without the .lnk extension. Example: "My Product". If the Destination folder is specified as "Custom path...", the full path should be specified here. You can also use installer variables in the destination path.

The target file the shortcut points to.

Command-line parameters
Enter any necessary command-line parameters for the shortcut. Note: If you use any paths in the command-line parameters, you must put them inside quotation marks. This field can be left empty.

Start in
This setting defines the working directory for the target file. This field can be left empty.

You can specify the shortcut description in this field.

Icon file
This setting defines the icon for the shortcut. If none is specified, the first icon of the executable file (or the icon registered for the file type if the file is not executable) is used. This file can be an icon file (.exe), an executable file containing icons, or a DLL containing icons.

Icon index
This setting defines the index of the icon in the Icon file if the file contains more than one icon. Normally you want to leave this to zero.

1) Uninstall shortcut:
Destination folder: Program Group
Shortcut name: Uninstall
File: %InstallPath%\Uninstall.exe

2) Startup shortcut:
Destination folder: Default path...
Shortcut name: %StartUp%\%ProductName%
File: %InstallPath%\%ProductName%.exe