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Commands Page

This action runs executable files when the product is uninstalled. The uninstaller runs an executable file with the specified parameters and waits until it is terminated.

Run type
Select the run type:
Application - Run an application (.exe, .cmd, .bat files).
Shell Executable - Open the specified file in the associated application. For example, if you specify a .doc file, MS Word will be started.

The file to execute.

If you start an application, specify command-line parameters here.

Run as
Startup window state.
Normal - Use the default application status
Maximize - Maximize the application window
Minimize - Minimize the application window
Hide - Hide the application window

Run schedule
Defines when the specified command should be executed.
Before uninstalling - Start before the product is uninstalled.
After uninstalling - Start after the product is uninstalled.

Wait until the application finishes
If selected, the uninstaller is paused until the specified file is terminated.